Grieving & Growing Through Infertility

Embracing Life’s Detours: Infertility 101
I’m finally ready. We’ve been navigating through our infertility issues since 2016 and it’s been a road. It’s been full of hurt and pain as well as excitement and joy. Seven years later, I am ready to share our entire story. Keep watching my blog for the entirety of...
Coping with Infertility
This post could have been titled, “The Secret Tool to Cope with Infertility.” Coping with infertility grief is one of the most difficult things I have encountered in my life, but I have found how to live with our infertility diagnosis. I don’t know if I will ever...
What is an Incompetent Cervix and Why Does it Lead to Miscarriage?
Incompetent cervix (IC), also known as cervical insufficiency or weakened cervix, happens when your cervix dilates (widens) and effaces (thins and shortens) too early during pregnancy. This usually happens without pain or...

What is a Rainbow Baby?
I’m finally ready. We’ve been navigating through our infertility issues since 2016 and it’s been a road. It’s been full of hurt and pain as well as excitement and joy. Seven years later, I am ready to share our entire story. Keep watching my blog for the entirety of...
3 Ways to Calm Your Mind While Struggling Through Infertility
My husband and I have struggled with infertility for years. All I wanted to see were those two pink lines. It was heartbreaking and at times, it consumed my thoughts. Would we ever get pregnant? Will we have to do fertility treatments? How will we pay for it? My...
I’m pregnant and packing my hospital bag now. I should have done it weeks ago. I’m scheduled to deliver my baby in five days via c-section. FIVE DAYS! Starting a blog to share with the world our journey to parenthood through infertility is hard. My biggest desire is...
What a Difference a Year Makes
Infertility can feel neverending. Infertility is neverending. If you’ve experienced infertility, you know how it can be tied to every emotion. I am sad that we can't get pregnant the old-fashioned way. I’ve been angry with every disappointing diagnosis. ...